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R' Shimon Opman

192 Classes

HaRav Shimon Opman Shlit"a is a World-class Maggid / Speaker on all Topics of Torah, with unparalleled knowledge of Jewish History & Geography, from Tanach, Tanaim, Amoraim, Rishonim & Achronim to Minhagim, Halacha and Mesorah. Originally from Yerushalayim, he has resided in Melbourne Australia for the past 40 years, teaching Torah to young and old. He has led several tours and written extensively on Europe's Mekomos Hakedoshim. Rabbi Opman can be contacted on [email protected]

הרב שמעון אופמאן - ממלבורן אוסטרליה

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R' Shimon Opmanאוכלים ומשקים שתחת המטה
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R' Shimon Opmanעניני מצות ציצית וסגולתה
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R' Shimon OpmanA One Minute Personal Request