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Ms. Chevi Garfinkel

248 Classes

An acclaimed educator with over 15 years of experience, Miss Chevi Garfinkel lectures throughout the United States, Canada and Eretz Yisroel, and is a regular teacher in Shulamis and Bruriah High Schools. During the summer, Miss Garfinkel directs Camp Frontier, an innovative teenage hiking camp that merges wholesome fun with transformative learning. At Ohr Naava, Chevi has taught tefilla and moadim on a bi-monthly basis since the organization\'s inception, and her humorous yet hard-hitting style keeps attendees coming back for more. You\'ll know a girl has been at Miss Garfinkel\'s shiur if there is a thoughtful look in her eyes and a smile on her face.

Bio from

Ms. Chevi Garfinkelcaring about the Jews in Ukraine and Purim
Ms. Chevi GarfinkelChevi Garfinkel: Tzipisa LeYeshuah
Ms. Chevi Garfinkeltzipisa Liyeshua
Ms. Chevi Garfinkelour personal yetzias mitzrayim