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R' Ori Strum

91 Classes

Rabbi Ori Strum studied at Mercaz HaTorah, Mirrer Yeshiva, Ner Israel of Baltimore, and he received his Rabbinic ordination from the Dallas Area Torah Association under HaRav Yerachmiel Fried shlit'a. He is the author of Ready. Set. Grow. (Mosaica Press), host of The Torah Sparks Podcast, and a content creator on the Meaningful Minute app. His favorite color is metallic blue and he has a knack for learning life lessons from the most random things. To join his Torah Sparks inspirational WhatsApp chat:

He can be reached at [email protected]

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R' Ori StrumThe Batter's Eye
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R' Ori StrumWho's Footsteps Are Those?
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R' Ori StrumTake the Stairs - Avoid the Elevator!
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R' Ori Strum50 Cubit Rope to Mount Sinai
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R' Ori StrumThe WHISTLE at the End of Days
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R' Ori StrumFrom My Heart to Your Heart