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R' Yehoshua Balkany

62 Classes

Torah Insights by Rabbi Balkany:

Rabbi Yehoshua Balkany is a scholar, benefactor, and a communal leader like no other!

Rabbi Balkany has attended the leading American Yeshivos and has studied with the who's who of the Jewish Yeshiva World. 

He continues to actively pursue the good of the Jewish community in a myriad of notable ways. 

Among his many accomplishments is serving as the personal Gabbai of Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky zt'l who inspired him to maximize his potential and achieve great things in life.

At the tender age of 23 Rabbi Balkany become the principal of a leading Bais Yaakov Girls School for excellence in Brooklyn. He spared no expense in hiring the best faculty available. Currently, he continues to expand his knowledge of both the revealed and hidden aspects of Torah.

This channel will host his weekly torah classes.

Any questions or comments or collaborative requests can be forwarded to:

[email protected]

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