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Dayan Yehoshua Posen

95 Classes

Dayan Posen is Director of Operations for the Kehillas Federation Beis Din in London, UK and is involved in Dinei Toiroh, Gittin and Kashrus.

He is proficient in many areas of Halacha, with his main expertise in Choshen Mishpat, Ribbis and business Halacha. He gives, quite possibly one of the world’s longest-standing weekly Choshen Mishpot shiurim, at the Golders Green Beis Hamedrash (Munks), London to Baalei Batim and professionals – a shiur that is approaching its 19th year and extremely well received by the participants.

A sought-after speaker, Dayan Posen has given over 1,000 shiurim on various halachic topics to a wide range of audiences, including multiple presentations at the H3 Business Halocho Events in the United States and at the H3 Event in London. 

He also gives many different shiurim on Chinuch and on the Parsha, including the popular weekly "90 Seconds on the Parsha".

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