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R' Mendel Kessin

406 Classes

Rabbi Mendel Kessin is an internationally renowned lecturer and educator and has spoken extensively around the world including in the United States, Europe, South Africa, Canada and Israel on topics of Hashkafa, Learning Methodology and Shmiras Haloshon (proper speech) with emphasis on the writings of R’ Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (Ramchal). Rabbi Kessin received S’michah from Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and held a close reltionship with Rav Chaim Friedlander Zatza”l, and helped with the publication of his Sifrei Haramchal (green collection). He has a PhD in Psychology from Fordham University in NY and runs a private practice in Brooklyn and Lakewood.

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R' Mendel KessinHow to Bring Mashiach
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R' Mendel KessinWhy this Galus is So Long
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R' Mendel KessinThe Might of God at the End of Time