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R' Moshe Chaim Katz

1,954 Classes

Rav Moshe Chaim Katz is the Rosh Chabura of the Dirshu Chabura in Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, New Jersey. He is also a beloved and respected Magid Shiur in Kollel Ner Avrohom. Rav Moshe Chaim is the son of the renowned Posek and Rav of BMG, HaRav Shmuel Meir Katz shlit"a. His unique and concise iyun shiurim on the daf are inspiring and changing the way people learn Daf Yomi around the globe.

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R' Moshe Chaim KatzTerumah Vikchu li teumah
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R' Moshe Chaim KatzTerumah Derech gidilasan