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R' Aryeh Kerzner

838 Classes

Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner is currently the Rav of Agudas Yisrael of Montreal, and is both a noted Posek and a popular public speaker. His many shiurim and speeches are enjoyed both locally and internationally. He has also authored the sefer Halachah at Home published by Artscroll. To reach Rabbi Kerzner please email [email protected]. 

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R' Aryeh KerznerThe Powerful Article - I Wish I Was Religeous...
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R' Aryeh KerznerR' Shach's Fascinating View on the Value of Money
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R' Aryeh KerznerThe Imrei Emes' Insight on the Guy Who's Always Upbeat
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R' Aryeh KerznerThe Story of the Boy Who Stole An Apple from Rav Yisrael Meir Lau