Hashem created the universe to sing to Him. Each element of nature brings out a different aspect,
revealing Hashem’s majesty and flawless benevolence. The songs are constant, filling the earth
and the heavens. Even if the animals and inanimate creations have no mouths with which to sing,
their very existence and function form a constant song of divine beauty. Yet, they can only properly
express their message if we, the conductors, utter the verses that they sing and live according to
their meaning. These songs, collected in Perek Shira, were traditionally composed by King David
and King Solomon. “Song of Existence” is a new video series which brings to life the music of
the spiritual orchestra of Creation. For more information or to sponsor a video,
visit www.songofexistence.org.
The Song of Existence video series is dedicated in memory of Rabbi Ze'ev Kraines