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R' Duvi Bensoussan

343 Classes

Rabbi Chaim David Dov Bensoussan shlita of Lakewood NJ, is a Talmid Musmach of Yeshivat ITRI Jerusalem, he learnt by Dayan Fisher ztl, Rabbis Mordechai Elephant ztl, R Michel Zilber shlita, R Simcha Schiff shlita and R Ariav Ozer shlita.

Rabbi Duvi Shlita is the innovator of the “We Work Kollel” system for Baale Batim, and is the Rosh Kollel of The Kollel of Central NJ.

Rabbi Duvi Shlita is a World Renown Speaker and Magid shiur with a global following and one of the most mesmerizing Lecturers across the Torah world.

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R' Duvi BensoussanThe Hotel Owner